Thursday, July 16, 2009

World War Z UPDATE!!!!

Matthew Michael Carnahan, who is best known for his screen writing of "STATE OF PLAY" and "THE KINGDOM" has got his hands on the book to movie adaptation of "World War Z". Max Brooks the writer of this awesome novel is very excited to see Carnahan get this out of the hands of Michael Straczynski who was originally the script writer ( you know him if you've ever seen Bablyon 5). Brooks said this about the change: “They say it’s a positive move because they’re very excited, but the truth is, it’s also positive because they just paid him a buttload of money, and [with] the money they paid him, the money they paid Straczynski and they money they’ve paid me, they’ve really dug themselves a deep hole, so they better make this thing!" The movie is being developed by Paramount Pictures and Brad Pitt’s Plan B Production.. more info to come.

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