Friday, July 31, 2009

Trailer for Grace is up and its intense!!!

So doing my usual weekly look at the new trailers on I found the trailer for "Grace" coming out on August 14th (in select theaters of course). This one is gonna be an intense mind fuck if you will.. heres the synopsis taken from

Eight months pregnant, Madeline Matheson deflects her demanding mother-in-law’s insistent pressure for standard hospital treatment, instead opting for the peaceful companionship of a trusted midwife. Though reluctantly compliant, her husband remains supportive of her choices until a sudden tragic accident leaves her unborn baby lifeless inside of her. Madeline remains determined to carry the stillborn baby to term, where she miraculously wills the delivered corpse into life. But it is not too long before the increasingly isolated mother realizes that something is not right with baby Grace, and she must make horrible sacrifices to keep her living.

Horror Hero of the Week!!! JASON

Don't worry the next Friday the 13th isn't until November of this year, but to pay much deserved respect to a film/tv and most recently comic, todays Horror Hero is none other then the machete/ax/knife...(well you get the idea) wielding slasher Jason Voorhees. Starting off the movies his mother was killing off camp counselors and campies for lack of attention to her swimming son. Not soon after, Jason made his was (and revenge) by doing the same thing. In the comics Jason is an undead zombie like charater.. hes not eating brains and body parts but not one person can seem to kill him.. or stop his killing rampage. Happy Horror Friday to you Jason Voorhees, may all your killing and entertainment to your many fans never die...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Freddy teaser Pic!!!!!

The first teaser image of Freddy Kruger being played as Jackie Earle Haley was released on the "Nightmare on Elm Street" remake. As we can see the face is covered but after seeing Watchmen and Haley's performance as Rorschach we can only get excited to see him as the new Kruger. I'll post more as updates are released.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Horror Hero of the Week

Our Horror Hero for this week is no other then the original Horror Hero, Ghost Rider of Marvel Comics.

Ghost Rider has superhuman strength and durability, as well as the ability to project and control Hellfire, which can sear the soul as well as burn the flesh. He can shape his Hellfire into a mystical motorcycle capable of traveling over water and up vertical surfaces. He is also immune to any mystical attacks that are specific to beings with living souls.

Blaze is a world-class cyclist capable of seemingly impossible stunts. He is also an excellent shot with pistols and shotguns and has limited knowledge of the occult.

When Blaze becomes the Ghost Rider he has complete control over a Hellfire Enchanted Chain which is nigh-indestuctible.

Look for Ghost Rider Comics from Marvel Comics every week.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


So if you remember the trailer for the movie Machete from the iconic Grindhouse movie of 2007? Where Danny Trejo played the ...well machete wielding monster was killing like crazy! (my kind of movie) Well its in the making with a rumored stellar line-up. Robert Rodriguez and Ethan Maniquis are teaming up to begin filming Machete on July 29th. They are co-directors.
Here are the people we have heard to be playing in it:
DANNY TREJO is returning (obviously) as "Machete", the madman bent on revenge.-
MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ ("Lost", Fast & Furious, Avatar) is said to be playing "Luz".-
JONAH HILL, the comedian who has starred in such films as Superbad will play "Julio
ROBERT DE NIRO, will take on the role of "Senator McLaughlin".
Here is the synopsis taken from
Machete is a Mexican ex-Federale with a gift for wielding a blade, who hides out as a day laborer, who is double-crossed by a corrupt state senator. The film was teased as a faux trailer that was directed by Robert Rodriguez in Dimension Films' Grindhouse, which featured a full-length film from both Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino.

here is that trailer taken from grindhouse for those of you dying to see it in action (THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TRAILER):

Nicholas Cage talks about Ghostrider sequel..

In the video below, Nicholas Cage talks about one of our favorite Horror Heroes and the Sequel to the 2007 movie. I was actually a fan of this movie.. which isn't saying much I tend to like a lot of bad movies :-P check it out!!!

World War Z UPDATE!!!!

Matthew Michael Carnahan, who is best known for his screen writing of "STATE OF PLAY" and "THE KINGDOM" has got his hands on the book to movie adaptation of "World War Z". Max Brooks the writer of this awesome novel is very excited to see Carnahan get this out of the hands of Michael Straczynski who was originally the script writer ( you know him if you've ever seen Bablyon 5). Brooks said this about the change: “They say it’s a positive move because they’re very excited, but the truth is, it’s also positive because they just paid him a buttload of money, and [with] the money they paid him, the money they paid Straczynski and they money they’ve paid me, they’ve really dug themselves a deep hole, so they better make this thing!" The movie is being developed by Paramount Pictures and Brad Pitt’s Plan B Production.. more info to come.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Let Me In Concept poster

Matt Reeves (the director of Cloverfield) has released the concept posters for "LET ME IN" or "LET THE RIGHT ONE IN" however you want to call it. I chose the one I liked best of the 2. This one gives you more of an idea .. if any really, about what might be happening in this movie. I'll update with more info as soon as it comes out. The storie basically follows a kid who befriends a girl who is his neighbor and she happens to be a vampire..

Monday, July 13, 2009

Stephen King's Cell becoming a mini-series?1?

John Harrison, the guy who turned Clive Barker's BOOK OF BLOOD is writing a four-hour miniseries based on Stephen King’s CELL. The book where the population of America is transformed into mindless, rampaging killers by a signal sent through their cell phones.Harrison is scripting CELL for the Weinstein Company, which had originally wanted to turn the book into a theatrical feature but decided against those plans and will be presenting the project to networks instead. Harrison has worked on works by King before such as assistant director/composer on "CREEPSHOW" and "TALES FROM THE DARKSIDE: THE MOVIE" , Harrison also said he considers CELL one of King’s best books. "With an opening chapter that will make an incredible first 30 minutes on screen." He also added that he doesn’t see this as a zombie story but more so as a "VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED-esque chiller" in his words. He also said he enjoys the fact that the infected population possesses a hive-like mentality. While he hasn't been officially said to direct, he would certainly like to. You can log on to Bloody-Disgusting for exclusive video of Harrison discussing Clive Barkers "BOOK OF BLOOD", "CELL" and other projects.. has some crazy news on the upcoming "Gatekeeper"
check it out "here"

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wolfman reshooting.

Benicio Del Toro starring at "The Wolfman" has been rumored to be doing six weeks of re-shooting. The re-shoots are to give the present design of the wolfman a fiercer look. This is only good news for us fans, Joe Johnston’s working harder then ever to make sure we will not be disappointed in our horror classic redo. Here is the Synopsis taken from
"Lawrence Talbot, a haunted nobleman, is lured back to his family estate after his brother vanishes. Reunited with his estranged father, Talbot sets out to find his brother... and discovers a horrifying destiny for himself. Talbot's childhood ended the night his mother died. After he left the sleepy Victorian hamlet of Blackmoor, he spent decades recovering and trying to forget. But when his brother's fiancée, Gwen Conliffe, tracks him down to help find her missing love, Talbot returns home to join the search. He learns that something with brute strength and insatiable bloodlust has been killing the villagers, and that a suspicious Scotland Yard inspector named Aberline has come to investigate."

Horror Hero!!!!

Today's Horror Hero is Morpheus of Vertigo Comics, The Sandman. Known as the who is essentially the anthropomorchic personification of dreams. At the start of the series, Morpheus is captured by an occult ritual and held prisoner for 70 years. Morpheus escapes in the modern day and, after revenging himself upon his captors, sets about rebuilding his kingdom, which has fallen into disrepair in his absence. Gaiman himself has summarized the plot of the series (in the foreword to Endless Night) as "The Lord of Dreams learns that one must change or die, and makes his decision."

Check out Neil Gaimans "The Sandman" from Vertigo Comics

Pandorum 2nd trailer released

I saw the first trailer not to long ago for "Pandorum", and I was pretty sure then I would go see it. has released the 2nd trailer for "Pandorum" and in glorious HD. Well this movie looks like its gonna be awesome for a few reasons .. its got an awesome cast. Dennis Quad and Ben Foster (he was the pierced guy from the Punisher w/ Thomas Jane, he also played Angel in X3) are the 2 main stars in the movie waking up to a abandon spaceship that has something else aboard. The trailer seems to show they find Cam Gigandet (Never Back Down) as a bloody beaten spaceman whose stories (I can't tell yet) will make him a good guy... or bad.. either way "Click Here" to check out trailer 2 and give me some feed back!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Stand American Nightmare #4

The battle of Good and Evil wages on in Marvel Comics continuation of Stephen King's The Stand. The fourth enstalment of the story has survivors of the Captains Trip Plague chosing sides. I haven't gotten a chance to check this series out but I loved The Stand and Marvel Comics has had a lot of success on King's book adaptations.

check out the hot poster for Jennifer's Body!!!

Bloody-Disgusting has got to be one of my favorite sources for new stuff in the horror scene. They posted today the new one sheet for "Jennifer's Body" starring the super hot .. and sexy Megan Fox. I'll save you the movie talk and just tell you to click on the image to see it in high res. Yeah I'll admit it .. I'm only going to see it because of her..

The End... of Wolverine???

Marvel Comics, has released this image of Wolverine with his face half ripped to the metal skull. Does this mean the charaters demise is coming soon?? As a fan of Wolverine for many years this very graphic redintion of Wolverine has never been done.. what this does do is give us hope for a graphic slasher-esq finish of the character if that is what Marvel Comics plans to do. Either way (whether killing him or not) an image like this will send fans running to the stands in the next few months. I can almost guarantee that this will have the gore we always wanted to see out of a Wolverine comic. I'll post more as soon as I know more.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New photo of Megan Fox in Jennifer's Body

The cheerleading outfit is way hot on star Megan Fox in the upcoming movie "Jennifer's Body" although Fangoria has the exclusive look at Jennifer when she gets .... hungry. Check out Megan Fox with the demon-esq chompers. This movie hits September 18th and the makeup and FX are by the KNB EFX guys.

New image of Michael from Halloween II

Bloody-Disgusting has posted new images of Mike Myers from the 2nd Halloween movie by Rob Zombie coming out this August. The second one will take place directly after the first and keep up with Mikes killing spree in the small town of Haddonfield Illinois. I'm not sure the movie will be up to par like the firs one Zombie did but as a fan of the series I will def. check it out

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Gate.. yes another Remake!

Do remember this movie? H20 Motion Pictures has received financing for their forthcoming remake of this 80's gem, "The Gate". Shot completely in 3-D by actor-turned-director Alex Winter (Ted Theodore Roosevelt of the Bill and Ted movies) This movie is said to start filming sometime this summer. Keep an eye out for it sometime next year.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Collector Red Band Trailer Hits!!

Monday seemed to be the day of red band trailers hitting the web. Not much after the "Jennifer's Body" red band hit the web the trailer above for "The Collector" hit and this ones gonna be a wild ride. The trailers short and sweet but its all you will need..

Jennifer's Body Red Band trailer hits!

Check out the red band trailer for "Jennifer's Body" I got a chance to watch it this morning and it may just surprise you..

The Collector, July 31st

Hope everybodies 4th was as good as mine, although not to much news in the horror world as of today but I did get a chance to check out's 3 new high res pics of the poster for "The Collector" said to be released at the end of this month. I chose my favorite from the 3 to post. BD says" the slasher follows the story of handyman and ex-con Arkin, who aims to repay a debt to his ex-wife by robbing his new employer’s country home. Unfortunately for Arkin, a far worse enemy has already laid claim to the property – and the family. As the seconds tick down to midnight, Arkin becomes a reluctant hero trapped by a masked “Collector” in a maze of lethal invention – the Spanish Inquisition as imagined by Rube Goldberg – while trying to rescue the very family he came to rob."

Friday, July 3, 2009

As promised..

I have the new trailer for "Daybreakers" this movies gonna blow-up. I'd say any fans of "True blood" or anything Vampires (MINUS the Twiligh Saga) will enjoy/love this movie.. Here is the Synopsis taken from
a researcher in the year 2019, in which an unknown plague has transformed the world’s population into vampires. As the human population nears extinction, vampires must capture and farm every remaining human, or find a blood substitute before time runs out. However, a covert group of vampires makes a remarkable discovery, one which has the power to save the human race.

Top 10 Horror Movies to watch while Camping...

Check out's top 10 camping horror movies for summer.
This is a great list and makes me want to have a Summer Horror Fest.
"click here" to see it

Horror Hero of the Week

Terror From Terror Inc.

error has the ability to replace lost body parts (hand, feet, arms, legs, eyes, ears, nose, etc.) with limbs and organs taken from other organisms. He secretes a natural acid that serves as both solvent and glue: the substance loosens the connective tissues in the target body, allowing him to more easily rend the parts he needs; even if reduced to a head, torso and single arm, this allows Terror to gain enough leverage to remove the needed parts. Once that is accomplished, the substance then helps bond the purloined limbs or organs to Terror's body. The 10" spikes on his cheeks on both sides of his face can be removed and used as weapons, and if lost or damaged will regrow. He has greenish yellow skin, pronounced sharpened canine teeth, and a face resembling a nearly naked skull without lips or eyelids. He also has a metal glove encasing the hermetically sealed hand of a deceased lover.

Upon grafting the new pieces to his body, Terror becomes immediately aware of the previous owner's last memories and strongest emotions, including sights, sounds, or sensations which they once experienced. In some cases this is a liability, and he must ignore this knowledge to complete his task. The MAX imprint version of Terror had used animal parts for a time after his original body rotted away, turning himself into a satyr-like creature.

In addition to memories, Terror gains the skills and abilities of the person or being to whom the "borrowed" part belongs. Though he normally uses human parts, Terror has been known to use anything that he considers useful, even parts which he himself does not normally possess such as large wings or a prehensile tail. The same holds true for parts taken from super powered beings, though the power must be related to the body part claimed.

Though the body parts bond permanently with Terror, they are still dead tissue and will begin to decay at their natural rate. This gives Terror a distinctive odor, and also forces him to seek a constant supply of replacements.

Since his body is dead, many conventional attacks have no effect on Terror. He can survive being impaled, crushed or drowned. The only limit is injuries that incapacitate or restrict him physically.

It is unclear what, if anything is the "controlling" section of Terror. The only thing not shown to be replaced over the course of his appearances has been his head, which the MAX version of Terror can detach from body and affix onto another. He can use this new head as a disguise, changing his appearance and voice, and he is able to access the memory of the former owner of that brain without that victim's personality taking over Terror's. Apparently, the mystical ritual used to seal Talita's arm in a mystical armor transferred the "centre" in the arm itself: Terror has shown the ability to stay functional even if separated from it, but accelerating dramatically his rotting rate, and losing his ability to resist the personality and emotions lingering in his replaced limbs. If left with no access to Talita's arm for a longer time, he would rot to nothingness after succumbing to the personalities contained in his mismatched limbs.

You can Check out Terror Inc. from Marvel Comics

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mothers Day Remake is underway..

The remake of Charles Kaufman's Troma film, mothers day is finally underway. Twisted pictures has snagged this film for remake and will begin shooting on August 24th in Winnipeg, Canada and is scheduled to wrap Oct. 9th.
Darren Bousman (REPO! THE GENETIC OPERA) is directing this movie and everyone is hoping it will be completed and ready for release for Mothers Day 2010.