Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nightmare on Elm Street 2010 REVIEW

So I have been slacking something fierce recently with updating this blog.. but I have been fairly busy. So lets get on it already with a review of the new Nightmare movie. Off the bat this movie got horrible reviews which I do not understand why. I was never a big fan of the original series (yeah I know .. its like a slight on god or some shit like that) but when I saw the remake coming I got very excited for it. I feel like Jackie Earle Haley did an amazing job as Freddy. He was dark and very very creepy. As for his look, I do like the original look Freddy had but in this remake they made him look more like a burn victim.. with good reason because thats what he was. The killings were good, some very similar to the original and they didn't change much either. The best part is they def. left it open for a sequel which I hope they do. To wrap it all up.. this movie is left to the viewer. I won't say anything directly about the movie (key scenes or anything) but I enjoyed it. Its a 50-50 shot .. you will either love this movie .. or hate it.