Monday, August 30, 2010

A delay

So as I have had some "technical difficulties" with my computer and doing the video updates.. I may just have a few more regular blog entries before I go video.. keep you guys posted.

Monday, June 7, 2010

We're going Video!!!!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you guys a very special update. If you don't know me very well (outside of loving Horror and all that goodness) then you might not know that I am a broadcast engineer. I went to school for that shit and after my internship I have not been able to find a job outside of freelance work. So the other day I was thinking how I have all this awesome software I never get to use and I have a decent set up for recording video but rarely use as well.. so I decided to take this blog to video! It will be a little while before the first one aires and I will have a youtube channel people can go check out once I have a few done. So keep checking for updates.. before I go here is the video blogs logo:

Sunday, June 6, 2010


If you haven't heard of the new Sci-fi Thriller Splice.. then you either are living under a rock or just don't pay attention to horror buzz. Friday was the opening for this movie where two scientist play god and splice some genes to make a new creature that isn't human.. here is the synopsis taken from "Elsa and Clive, two young rebellious scientists, defy legal and ethical boundaries and forge ahead with a dangerous experiment: splicing together human and animal DNA to create a new organism. Named "Dren", the creature rapidly develops from a deformed female infant into a beautiful but dangerous winged human-chimera, who forges a bond with both of her creators - only to have that bond turn deadly."

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nightmare on Elm Street 2010 REVIEW

So I have been slacking something fierce recently with updating this blog.. but I have been fairly busy. So lets get on it already with a review of the new Nightmare movie. Off the bat this movie got horrible reviews which I do not understand why. I was never a big fan of the original series (yeah I know .. its like a slight on god or some shit like that) but when I saw the remake coming I got very excited for it. I feel like Jackie Earle Haley did an amazing job as Freddy. He was dark and very very creepy. As for his look, I do like the original look Freddy had but in this remake they made him look more like a burn victim.. with good reason because thats what he was. The killings were good, some very similar to the original and they didn't change much either. The best part is they def. left it open for a sequel which I hope they do. To wrap it all up.. this movie is left to the viewer. I won't say anything directly about the movie (key scenes or anything) but I enjoyed it. Its a 50-50 shot .. you will either love this movie .. or hate it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Wolfman Review

Remakes are huge right now, probably to no end. It makes you wonder "where will it end?". With all that being said.. if more remakes come out like this one then the future is looking incredibly bright. I loved everything about this movie, the storyline was incredible. The movie does get a little violent (little ones beware) but its about the Wolfman.. its suppose to be violent. Action packed and great performances by the whole cast. I give this movie 10 skulls!!!


So I cannot stress how excited I am for this movie. Not to mention how much I hated the original... no that Robert Englund wasn't a bad Freddy, but the original movies were so campy and not what I really wanted out of that movie. Although they did scare the poop nuggets out of me when I was 10. Jackie Earle Haley seems to really grasped the scare factor I want out of these movies ... wait yeah I know I haven't seen the freakin movie yet .. but if you don't believe me then check this shit out:

Monday, January 25, 2010

WELCOME to 2010

Its been a long while since I've posted any good horror updates. My lifes been a little hectic but I am back on board with my first update for 2010. Lionsgate has picked up the independent thriller "Buried" with Ryan Reynolds...

I can't be more stoked for this for the simple reasons of :

1) its fucking Ryan Reynolds


2) it reminds me of the 90's B-movie with Tim Matheson "Buried Alive"

I look forward to this one .. as should you!!!